Rachel (her English name) was abandoned by her parents at a young age and was brought up in a 'Welfare Centre' in China, which was home to around 100 other abandoned children, most of whom have a disability. Rachel herself was struck by polio when she was young, which left her needing to use a wheelchair to get around.
Despite her difficulties, Rachel grew up into a very cheerful and lovely young lady, and soon was working as a therapist in the Welfare Centre where she grew up, treating small babies.
Rachel has always been creative, playing musical instruments including piano and ukelele, and also painting and making hand-crafts. She is currently teaching craft classes to some of the more able children in the Welfare Centre. We hope that in the future Blue sheep might be able to help the craft class to sell their products, so watch this space!
Rachel has been making beautiful watercolour paintings, which Blue Sheep is proud to be able to sell for her. In fact, one of Rachel's paintings sold on the very first day that it was displayed in the shop!
Rachel's joy is contagious, and we a Blue Sheep hope are proud to have the opportunity to encourage her creativity!