MSI Products
MSI Professional Services International (formerly Medical Services International)
is a non-profit charitable organization founded in 1994 to provide development assistance to China.
MSI Professional Services is a non-profit organization serving the holistic needs of the people in inland China.
Committed to sharing love with their lives, promoting meaningful exchange, and cooperating
with the Chinese government and other entities to equip local communities to serve China’s vulnerable populations.
The handicrafts and Yi clothing produced by Moonbeam (an MSI training and production facility) quickly became very popular. These products of the Yi people slowly grew to be symbols of Zhaojue and of national pride. Since then, the government started to promote costume festivals for the Yi people. Moonbeam took on the task of promoting and passing on the Yi culture. Moonbeam has hosted numerous government officials and friends from other countries and was invited by the government to attend exhibitions as Liangshan’s representative at various festivals. The innovative concepts from Moonbeam led to the development of modern Yi clothing and handicrafts. This helped establish the sale of Yi ethnic clothing, with increasing numbers of ethnic clothing shops opening in Zhaojue and Xichang.
After the closing of MSI's Moonbeam facility due to unpaid customer invoices, and increasing competition in the marketplace, Blue Sheep decided to buy as much of their remaining product as possible. This means each item is in very limited stock!
Some of the workers from Moonbeam went on to become a teacher, a supervisor in a factory, and some decided to use the skills acquired with MSI to make their own handcrafts at home.
Browse MSI's products below and, if you see anything you like, make a note of the product name and click here to choose an ordering method!