Yu Family Products
The Yu family make beautiful handcrafted leather goods, which allows them to take care of and provide for each other. Two of their sons were born with Beta Thalassemia, a blood disorder that causes extreme anaemia and mishappen bones and organs. They are reliant on frequent blood transfusions every 3 weeks, and will eventually require a bone marrow transplant in order to survive. Their young daughter was born with Downs Syndrome and has recently had a heart operation.
This puts an incredible strian on the Yu family and their financial resources. So, in order to provide the level of care that their children need, they have learnt how to create these intricate leather products, allowing them financial independance and also providing them with hope.
Browse the Yu Family's products below and, if you see anything you like,
make a note of the product name and click here to choose an ordering method! If Yu Family items are out of stock, it may be possible to make them to order.